Some may find childish, even disrespectful, representing with animated puppets scenes out of a masterpiece such as Madame Bovary...
However, it was usual, for instance in the Middle-Ages to represent in colored drawings on glass, very serious scenes even considered then by many as sacred.
Later, and even at the late 19th century, the representation with animated puppets or automatons of particular events or scenes, was a means of circulating the knowledge or the events, in far away villages...
For instance, the description by Jules Vernes (Petit bonhomme" 1892) of a travelling showman in England, in which scenes of the court of England, presented on a handcart, were animated by a poor little kid, hidden and invisible, locked up in a box under the scene... (that is: under the cart : ".
But, be reassured, there ain't no kiddy here used to turn the mechanics...
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To see the video, use the controls under the image (audio and video). Control "full screen" bottom right, the controls disappear, but will reappear when moving the mouse.
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